Building Together: Introducing the MortiDAO

1 min readFeb 15, 2022

Perhaps you’re familiar with the community-driven focus of the Mortiverse.

Or maybe you’ve not yet experienced the tight community forming around the project.

But since web3 represents a totally different way of building — something we’ve been working hard to model since the start—it’s time to formalise this.

By giving it some real structure.

And by giving it a name.

So that everyone who encounters the Mortiverse can see their opportunity to contribute, building the #1 web3-native personal development brand, together.

It’s time we started a DAO. And we’re calling it the MortiDAO.

The MortiDAO is available to everyone who owns a Mortiverse NFT, whether that’s a Mortified! collectible Mort, or a piece of LKRV clothing.

In it, we’ll be organising ideas, formalising proposals, and ensuring the Mortiverse becomes everything you need to help you experience web3 FUD-free.

To join the DAO, join the Discord with your verified holder account and reaction in the extra-roles channel. Your reaction grants you the MortiDAO role and unlocks an extra category of Discord to participate in.

Excited to continue building together!

— Adam & Kezia




A web3-native personal development brand making Stoic philosophy more accessible for the next generation.